When I started I did not know what was Yin yoga, but since the first class with Francisca I fell in love with it. It is a moment that we have to release stress, breathe and feel the body “decompressing”.
Mindfulness | Yoga
When I started I did not know what was Yin yoga, but since the first class with Francisca I fell in love with it. It is a moment that we have to release stress, breathe and feel the body “decompressing”.
Casa Dhyana – Studio Renting
Without advertising
1/2 Day – 80€ (between 9h to 13h or 14h to 18h*)
1 Day – 150€ (between 9h to 18h*)
* Weekend silent hours between 14h to 16h (outdoor area)
With advertising
1/2 Day – 100€ (between 9h to 13h or 14h to 18h*)
1 Day – 170€ (between 9h to 18h*)
* Weekend silent hours between 14h to 16h (outdoor area)
Please check with us the studio avalability for your event dates through WhatsApp (+351 960084219) or (+351 966136138) or geral@budadharma.org
2008 – Breathworks Teacher Training – Breathworks CIC, with Vidyamala Burch, Sona and Ratnaguna.
2014 – Specialist Teacher Training in MBCT – CMRP Bangor University, with Sarah Silverton and Eluned Gold.
2014 – Dot B Training – Mindfulness in Schools Project, with James Gibbs and Dominic Morris.
2014 – Somatic Experiencing Training (Beginning 1 and 2) with Liana Netto
2015 – Somatic Experiencing Training (Intermediate 1) with Liana Netto
2015 – Mindfulness Based Approaches Teacher Training – CMRP Bangor University, with Karunavira, Taravajra and Sarah Silverton.
2016 – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Intensive – UCSD Center for Mindfulness, with Steven Hickman and Susan Woods (João was invited as assistant teacher).
2017 – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Intensive – UCSD Center for Mindfulness, with Steven Hickman and Susan Woods (João was invited as assistant teacher).
2017 – 3 Day Supervision Training – CMRP Bangor University, with Alison Evans.
2018 – Advanced Teachers Training for MBSR and MBCT Teachers – UCSD Center for Mindfulness, with Susan Woods and Patricia Rockman.
2018 – Started mentoring new MBSR teachers through UCSD Center for Mindfulness.
2021 – Inquiry and Reflection in Meditation Practice, with Oren Jay Sofer
2022 – Teaching Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness – Breathworks CIC, with Tim Duerden
2024 – (Ongoing) Emptiness: A Yearlong Study, with Brian Lesage and Tuere Sala
1st day
15h / 17h arrival
18h group gathering
20h dinner
21h practice
21h30 rest
2nd, 3rd e 4th day
7h practice
8h breakfast
9h30 practice
11h30 lecture Q&A
13h lunch and rest
15h practice
18h free time and interviews
19h30 dinner
20h30 practice
21h15 rest
5th day
07h practice
8h breakfast
9h30 practice
13h lunch
14h30 closing
16h leaving
1st day
15h / 17h Arriving
18h Welcoming, retreat guidelines and group presentation
19h30 Dinner
20h30 Sitting meditation
21h Rest
2nd and 3th day
7h Sitting meditation
7h30 Yoga
8h30 Breakfast / Free time
10h Talk
11h30 Sitting and walking meditation
12h30 Free time
13h Lunch / Free time
16h Sitting meditation
16h30 Yoga
18h Free time
19h Dinner
20h Sitting meditation
21h Rest
4th day
7h Sitting meditation
7h30 Yoga
8h30 Breakfast / Free time
9h30 Mindful walk in nature
11h Sound Journey
12h Free time
13h Lunch / Free time
14h30 Talk
15h Sitting meditation
15h30 Group gathering, final instructions and goodbyes
1º dia
15h / 17h chegada
18h apresentação, introdução
20h jantar
21h prática
21h30 descanso
2º, 3º e 4º dia
7h prática
8h pequeno-almoço
9h30 prática
11h30 palestra P&R
13h almoço e descanso
15h prática
18h tempo livre e entrevistas
19h30 jantar
20h30 prática
21h descanso
5º dia
07h prática
8h pequeno-almoço
9h30 prática
13h almoço
14h30 encerramento
16h partida
Envie uma mensagem de texto pelo whatsapp para o número 914 345 383, com o seu nome completo, email, NIF, o nome do curso “Iniciação a Mindfulness” e as datas pretendidas. Irá de seguida, receber a informação necessária para que possa reservar o seu lugar.
18 Novembro (quarta)
18h-19h30 apresentação, introdução
21h-21h30 prática
19 a 21 Novembro (quinta a sábado)
8h-8h45 prática
Pequeno almoço
11h30-12h30 palestra
15h30-16h15 prática
16h15-17h partilha, perguntas e respostas
20h30-21h15 prática
22 Novembro (domingo)
8h-8h30 prática
Pequeno almoço
10h-10h30 prática
10h30-12h encerramento
João is a Certified Breathworks Teacher and a Certified MBSR Teacher from the UC San Diego School of Medicine Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute where he is also a MBSR Mentor providing supervision to MBSR teachers on their training pathway. João is the Director of Budadharma, a mindfulness and yoga center in the heart of Lisbon, Portugal. He fell in love with meditation and dharma upon discovering it in 2004; since then his own practice development and retreat has become a constant. He has trained directly with some of the greatest mindfulness specialists in the UK and U.S and has a permanent desire to learn and deepen his path.